New York Natural Heritage Program
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway, 5th Floor
Albany, NY 12233-4757
Use this form to report an observation of a rare animal or rare plant. Your information will be reviewed for inclusion in our database of rare species locations.
Thank you for helping us grow the Natural Heritage database.
1. Complete this form for first-hand observations only. If the source of your information is a report, letter, or other document, please send it to the above address, or for Plants, email botany [at] nynhp [dot] org, and for Animals, email zoology [at] nynhp [dot] org.
2. Items marked with a * are required. Fill in other items if known and applicable.
3. Rare Birds: complete this form only for observations during the breeding season or at large concentration areas during migration or winter.
4. Enter GPS coordinates into this form, and/or attach a map with the location of the species clearly marked, or send a map to the address above.
5. Attach any photos of the species or location, or send photos to the address above.
6. Reports of rare plants and of some animals require photos or specimens to confirm identification. Only collect specimens legally, with appropriate landowner permissions and/or permits, and if there is no harm to the population.